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Showing posts from January, 2018

18 - Good, Bad, Ugly, or Pretty?

Collinsworth 1 Levi Collinsworth Collinsworth Independent 30 January 2018 So I've just turned 18, but what are the advantages? Disadvantages? Inconveniences vs. Conveniences? Well, I've just gone Googling this a lot, and as it turns out, there really aren't that many reasons that it is nice to be 18. There are reasons that it's annoying, in more plenty. Advantages: *I can now legally buy and sell stock. *I can authoritatively sign my own forms for field trips, should those come up at any point (the school's budget has fallen flat on it's face). *I can rent an apartment, if I ever have the money. Disadvantages: *If I ever get into legal trouble, I'm on my own and tried as an adult *I'll have to start doing my own accounting, and have a W-2 to complete on a yearly basis. *There will be paperwork everywhere. *Metro rides cost more. I honestly have never been sure if I'd survive to 18. Nature's a tough son of a b

My new Twitch channel!

Hello, hello! It has certainly been an extensive length of time since I last had this site up, but don't worry: It will remain up this time. I'll try to keep this domain for many years to come, but my family might eventually get upset at me for hogging the last name. This is all besides the point. I am posting again here to announce my new Twitch Channel! You can find it at or embedded in a post made newer than this for your convenience. I will be broadcasting properly every Saturday at 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM Pacific Standard Time. What's cool about those hours is that they're the last available hours that remain the same on a 12-hour and 24-hour clock! At times, I will host the COSMOS channel to my channel. I game on the same PC that I broadcast from, and so far, I broadcast in 720p. 1080p will be tested soon enough, I promise you that much. I've found that Minecraft and Tomb Raider play nicely still yet with the same PC pulling the t